Jecca Blac X Juno Dawson || How To Celebrate Brighton Pride From Home

Hello Everybody!

This weekend under normal circumstances, we would've seen two fabulous days filled with Pride in Britain's LGBT+ capital, Brighton. 🌈

As has been the case throughout all of 2020's Pride season - the parades have been cancelled, but Pride must go on. And who better to share inspiration on how to make the most of Pride - even though we're missing the parties - than bestselling author, screenwriter and columnist, Juno Dawson?!

In case you aren't familiar - Juno is an absolute trailblazer for the trans community and in February was one of our guests at our first ever Trans Festival! A Brighton local and all round icon to the LGBT+ community, we're thrilled to have her join us in today's blog.

How do you usually celebrate pride?
I do love Brighton Pride - it's a chance for all my Brighton and London pals to come together and visibly celebrate our queerness. I think there's something really important about queer visibility, even now. It is a protest, but a bright and colourful way to take up space, be seen and heard.

What's special about Brighton Pride?
There are still a lot of free things you can do. I'm a big believer in keeping Pride events free. Over the weekend, there are still elements anyone can join in with. Also, Brighton definitely knows how to party!

How are you celebrating Pride this year?
This year the protest element of Pride is more important than ever. We are raising up our voices for Black Lives Matter and trying to prevent the government from rolling back trans rights.

How can we best celebrate Pride from home?
This year, reflect on how far LGBTQ rights have come, but how much further we have to go. This year, do party with your mates (at a safe distance), but take your time to lobby your local MP into supporting GRA reform.

Image: Eivind Hansen

A huge thank you to Juno for her insight on how to make the most of Brighton's Pride Weekend from home. If you'd like to check out more from Juno, click here to check out her Instagram.